How are we setting our goals? All of us have some goals. They can be getting rich, professional promotions, high level life standarts etc. While everyone wants something from the universe but some people achieve their goals others do not. And why? Today we’ll discuss it.
The goals in our life will never end. When we were a student we wanted to get good grades at school, as an adult we wants some achievements in our career, as a spouse we wants high-quality communication with each other, as parents we expect some success from our kids. In short, goals and expectations will be every part of our lifetime. And sure I have goals too. Okay then, ‘How should we set and optimise our goals?’. Sure, there are answers about this and so do I. For instance I’ve written my yearly goals every day for 3 months. This is a known method from Brian Tracy. That method works like this. Firstly, you determine your yearly or long-term goals that you want to achieve. Write them to a sheet. For example, if you want to be more fluent in English, you should make an action plan for it. You can find some techniques for learning fastly, useful resources, websites, applications etc. You should determine short-term goals for reaching big goals. If you divide your long-term goals to little ones, theys seem more simple and achievable. After determination, you have to do it every day whatever your daily goals. Small steps reach you to long-term goals. You can use this method for every goal you want. This is simple and applicable. Also you can write your long term goals (like yearly) in your notebook each day. It allows you to see your real goals and helps for action. You can do it every day. I promise you that your persistence, productivity, and mindset will boost up. I have been using this method for 3 months and I am living the most productive time of my life. You can try it.
In summary, think about your goals and write them. Prepare an action list for each goal, find some strategies and methods to achieve them. Divide them into small steps and do it every day. Here you go, your action plan and way to success is ready! You can start from tomorrow and you have to be persistent.
Now, just do it!
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